02 October 2010


Happy New (Fiscal) Year SWRMC!

This week’s blog includes a final dollar amount that SWRMC successfully executed for Fiscal Year 2010, more details on one of our four goals, and a short discussion on last week’s emergency. I will also provide information on the RMC Commander off-site, a great update to our golf cart replacement program (be sure to read this part for a very exciting event), a request for more stories that we potentially can capture on film, the plan for distributing personal copies of our Premier film, and a closure to my recent theft.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”
- Carl Sagan, 1934-1996.

Thirty years ago Carl Sagan made science cool. I am not sure what is in fashion now, but when I was in college the study of the physical and natural world and phenomena was “all that.” Please let me digress for a moment and attempt to make a point. If you placed $1 bills end to end the amount of money that SWRMC executed (put on contract, purchased equipment, supplies and parts, spent on training for our team, travel for our techs to assist ships, and refurbished our spaces, ect.) would not make it to the moon. It would however exceed 20 round trips to our Fleet Commander in Hawaii. Let me put it in simple terms last year (01 October 2009 – 30 September 2010) SWRMC executed $1,088,868,726. WOW! Over 1 BILLION DOLLARS!! I want to express my thanks to every department for this success. Our code 500 (who I apologize that I left off last week) with our superstars in the material manager roles in our production department (with the help of our NEMAIS folks) purchased over $8 Million in parts in less than 30 days! Our Waterfront Operations and Contract Department identified over $200 million that they asked our finance department to obligate. Our Business Office identified and executed over $30 Million that our Contract department put on contract and guess where they sent it? You guessed right our Finance Department, who was asked to obligate. These funds will be put to the best use for our Nation because our Engineering Department provides clear technical direction and quality oversight, our legal department bestows sage legal advice, our safety and environmental department ensures that all of us will be safe and our environment will be protected, our production department will put these funds to the Best Value mantra (Best Cost, Best Schedule with the Best Quality). Our CSSO will ensure that our valuable contractors meet our nation's security requirements to exercise these contacts, and our self help and facilities divisions will make the most of these funds provided. Our business office will ensure that our phones, copiers, travel, and support contracts will be available. Have I lost you yet? Let’s not forget the ERP division and how these funds will be used to continue to harness the power or our NEMAIS tool. Our folks in the IT department will ensure that these funds will be used for the IT hardware and software that we depend on. No department could have accomplished this task by itself; but SWRMC did it as a command! WELL DONE SWRMC!

I want to revisit Captain Wiegand’s four goals:

Have you taken the time to understand the importance of the Constitution of the United States of America since the 10th grade? When you stop and read the Preamble to the United States Constitution it is an amazing document and it helps define the importance of one of our goals.
"We the people of the United States
in order to form a more perfect union
Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
Provide for the common defense,
Promote the general welfare and
Secure the blessings of liberty
To ourselves and our posterity
Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise. I hope this helps put in context the importance of this goal.

Next, I want to be sure to express a large thank you to everyone in the Command. This past week we learned that Naval Base San Diego’s emergency response system was working well. It appears that everyone received some form of communication (computer desktop alert, email, phone call, etc.) regarding the security investigation at the 8th Street warehouses. Even LCDR Dallas Johnson’s (who is running the Saint George Marathon Sunday 3 OCT, Good Luck Commander!) wife received a phone call from the system alerting her of the Base closure. Additionally, I wanted to let everyone here know that there is another way to discover information pertaining to NBSD, even in emergency situations. If you would like up to the minute information you should also be sure to check NBSD’s Facebook. Maile Baca, the NBSD Public Affairs Officer, has stated that the Facebook will be updated even during times of emergency. This is great to know! It is important at a time of war to always remain as cautious and alert as possible. Thank you to everyone for keeping safety a primary focus here at Southwest RMC.

A few weeks ago, Captain Wiegand and I attended the REGIONAL MAINTENANCE CENTERS COMMANDERS’ CONFERENCE. RDML (s) Gale our direct Senior Officer clearly communicated his initial efforts. These efforts are as follows.

• Develop single RMC Annual Budget Planning Process
• Establish RMC Manning Management Process
• Develop a Strategic Communications Plan
• Initiate an RMC Consistency and Commonality Effort
• Establish CNRMC Performance Measurement Plan
• Develop and Implement the MSMO Contacts Governance Process

In my next blog I will describe in detail the first effort. The following efforts will be described in the subsequent blogs.

Now take a look at our first shipment of our “new” golf carts!

Everyone should be looking forward to an exciting command sponsored event tentatively planned for early November. The two-hour event may include showing off your existing golf cart (beauty contest maybe?), prizes, and more! Please stay tuned as more information becomes available. We promise that this will be unlike any other Command event you’ve experienced here at Southwest RMC. Also at this all Command event we hope to be able to give each person a copy of SWRMC’s film “We Are There” for internal viewing. Though many in the Command have seen the film, this release will allow everyone a chance to see something that some in the organization feel is one of the best representations of what we do here at Southwest RMC.

Next I would like to remind everyone that we are on the hunt for YOUR stories! We had a very positive response from the film that we screened for the All-hands event back in August. Continuing with that same excitement we want everyone in the Command to reflect on stories that make this organization a success. What do I mean? We want to hear from both individuals and groups about how their work is vital to the safety, security, and success of our Navy. All of us play an important role in making sure our Navy is number one in the world as well as “a global force for good.” What have you done in the recent past that might make for a great movie? Remember that there are no small stories here. Everyone’s role is vital. Please send your ideas, scripts, pictures, videos, or anything else that helps to describe what you did. You can submit them via this blog or in person at the Southwest RMC Business Office, Building 36, Second Deck, Room 235. Don’t forget that there are prizes involved so I encourage you all to submit as soon as possible. Someone might win an opportunity to participate with EXE Production Studios in the filming process. Think about it, but be sure to submit something soon!

Next, I am happy to report that the now infamous “Santa Fe Bandit” has kindly returned the belt buckle. Despite my initial fears and reservations about what has been going on this past week, I am sure that many at SWRMC have discovered the story behind the story. Craig Cunningham and his team have worked diligently for this organization and deserve a great deal of recognition for their efforts to reduce the inventory by such a large sum. This playful story has now resolved itself with the return of the belt buckle. The mystery surrounding its disappearance, however, has clarified a larger, more important story that not everyone knew about prior to the buckle’s abduction, namely Mr. Cunningham’s team and their efforts. Though we still have no idea who the perpetrator/s was/were, I am deciding to no longer pursue him/her/them. It is my view that their work, though certainly dubious, was unexpectedly beneficial to the efforts of our Production team. Also, I promise to now fulfill my obligation of wearing this belt daily throughout October. There are lessons to be learned from the “belt”

1. People should always be legitimately concerned about securing their spaces and property regardless of what has happened to someone else’s belt buckle.
2. Production team should feel good that I have been getting heat for not keeping up my end of the agreement.
3. Everyone in the Command is talking about it; people actually care and are paying attention!
4. The blog has been receiving record views, thanks to you!
5. It has boosted communications between all entities and united the Command around a single story (shop, office, military, contractor, civilian, etc.)
6. It has brought an enviable amount of publicity to Mr. Cunningham’s team and their admirable efforts.
7. The belt buckle was returned in a timely matter.

One last thought on the belt buckle: this is not a serious Command matter. In fact, though custom made and well designed, at the end of the day it is just a belt buckle. What's important is not the belt buckle as an object but what it represents. Stop me when you see me and take a look at the buckle, then pass your admiration on to our Production Team for meeting their goal!

Finally, the following lists SWRMC positions currently being recruited through RESUMIX. Please follow the below instructions on how to apply for any of these positions:

Shipbuilding Specialist, GS-1101-11, code 360
General Supply Specialist, GS-2001-11, code 360
General Supply Specialist, GS-2001-9/11, code 910
Financial Technician, GS-503-6/7/8, Code 600
Management Analyst, GS-0343-12, code 1210
Production Controller, GS-1152-12, code 300
Marine Machinery Mechanic, WS-5334-10, code 930
Mechanical Engineering Technician, GS-0802-11, code 221

To apply, interested candidates must submit their resume to HRSC Southwest, San Diego, CA via the following link: https://chart.donhr.navy.mil/. When completing your resume in CHART, please keep in mind that your responses to questions on ELIGIBILITY, Hiring Program Categories, and the Additional Data Sheet, along with the information provided in your resume, will determine whether you are referred for a vacant position. Please ensure that you review each question carefully, and click on the question mark (where applicable) for more information. Select all hiring categories that apply to you, and all geographical locations for which you desire job consideration on the Additional Data Sheet.

The Department of the Navy (DON) opens job opportunity announcements on a continuous basis. These "Open Continuous" announcements are advertised for all positions in specific series, grade levels and geographic locations throughout the Navy. Therefore, DON numbers these "Open Continuous" announcements as "DON" followed by the series: Example: DON0343 is the open continuous announcement for positions in the GS-0343 series; DON0301 is the open continuous announcement for positions in the GS-0301 series; and DON1101 is the open continuous announcement for positions in the GS-1101 series, regardless of the title of the actual position. For example, to locate the applicable open continuous announcement for Shipbuilding Specialist, GS-1101-9/11, go to announcement number DON1101.

Open continuous announcements create an "Inventory Bank" of readily available high caliber applicants. Resumes are then considered as actual vacancies in the series covered by the announcement occur. DON uses this system because having resumes on hand versus individually announcing a job when a vacancy occurs, speeds up the recruitment process. This allows an applicant to submit a resume for a vacancy at anytime, regardless if a vacancy actually exists. Vacancies can occur at any time, therefore, it is recommended that you keep an active resume on file at all times, and submit your resume for any position(s) you are interested in as soon as possible.

Please refer your questions to the DON Resume Intake and Employment information Center in San Diego, CA. Their office hours are Monday through Friday, 0600 to 1800 hours. The Preferred method of contact is use of the "Contact the Webmaster" link at: https://chart.donhr.navy.mil/

Thank you for taking the time to read this Blog. I welcome and look forward to your input!

Jim Achenbach
SWRMC Executive Director


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Material Managers/"GSS"s. It's great to see them get recognition for the very hard work they did last year.

Tomzoot said...

Knowing what is in the U.S. Constitution and why the Constitution is relevant to us today is fundamental to our being able to defend it. As federal civil servants supporting the Department of Defense, we have a special obligation to understand and appreciate the U.S. Constitution and the role we each play in providing 'for the common defense'.

September 17 has been designated as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day to commemorate the signing of the Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. Specifically, Congressional Appropriations Bill H.R. 4818, P.L. 108-447, requires Federal agencies to provide new employees with educational and training materials on the U.S. Constitution as part of the new employee orientation materials; and provide all Federal agency employees educational and training materials on the Constitution.

Take the Course: http://constitutionday.cpms.osd.mil